Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Update

Hey everyone,

It's been a long weekend. Earl is mostly tired and sleeps a lot, either in the chair or in the bed. He has not been sick, but has no appetite. The smell of everything makes him feel sick. He can't taste anything and has not eaten much over the weekend. It is so frustrating for me cause I just can't to anything to help. He barely slept at all Friday night. Saturday night was much better and he did sleep through the night. He is still very weak and tired oday. He is able to drink his ensure and gatorade and that's about all. He did eat some potato soup from ABC yesterday. I had to eat my lunch on the porch because the smell made him sick. I feel so helpless. When you hear someone going through chemo you really don't know how hard it is for them. Let me tell you IT IS HARD. I just keep telling myself that the tumor is shrinking and that he is getting better. This is just the beginning and the road is long. Six more weeks and he will be done with treatment. I love him so much, I just wish I could make it all better. Thank you for your prayers. Love you all. Donna

1 comment:

  1. Hey I KNOW the "helpless" feeling.. just hang in there .. just keep thinking postive that the tumor is shrinking.. I wish I was there to give you a BIG hug but since I can't be there here it is.. BIG BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU!!! Things will be better soon.. Take care of yourself cause he needs you..give him a BIG hug from us and tell him that he is in our thoughts and prayers...

    I LOVE YOU...
