Friday, January 15, 2010

Gotta have a plan

Whew, what a morning. Earl and I saw Dr. Shirai and he gave us THE PLAN. Here it is. Start chemo next Friday for six to twelve weeks. He will have Ertibux every friday, then on every third week he will have carboplatin. Also on the third week he will have a 96 hour infusion. Basically this is a continuos chemo for four days. He will have a pump that will go home with him on Friday and a nurse will come to the house on Tuesday to remove it. Earl and I both have a positive outlook about all of this and know that we will overcome this. It is 65 degrees here today and he is playing golf. The DR said this treatment won't be as bad as the last and the cells in the lymph nodes are very small. So that's it. Keep us in your prayers. Love you all. Donna & Earl

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