This is a recent picture I took on Sunday before we took Drew out to dinner for his birthday. Earl is feeling really good. Everyday I am just so amazed at how strong he is. I knew he was a strong person, just didn't know how much. He has completed three weeks of a six week cycle. Has only lost a couple of pounds and is eating very well. He has not missed any work but is pretty tired by the end of the day. Friday will be a long day as we get all three chemos that day and then come home with the pump for the weekend. He will be pretty beat by the end of the pump on Tuesday. I know the treatment is working and I can feel God's blessings raining down on us. I know today is a good day and he is getting stronger and healthier everyday. We have so much life ahead of us and this is just a small chapter in what will be a great story. Please keep praying for his healing. Lots of Love to all our friends and family who are pulling for us. Your prayers really mean so much. Donna
I'm pulling for you both every single day and am amazed at BOTH of your strength!