Hello Everyone! Sorry I haven't kept this up to date but let me tell you it has been one crazy week. By Monday Earl was in pretty bad shape. He was so weak he could barely walk from the chair to the bed and he was eating minimal. The nurse took one look at him Monday morning and said he was malnourished and dehydrated. I had no idea because he had been eating and drinking, just not enough for the amount that the chemo had drained from his body. We started the feeding tube immediately that day and started him back on the anti-nausea medicine and wow what a difference. Today you can hardly tell he is taking radiation. He is back to eating pretty good and we are still doing the feedings around the clock. My sister came over to give us a crash course in that and now Earl is doing it all by himself. He hates it, but he knows it is making a big difference in his progress. People who don't get a feeding tube usually end up back in the hospital on IV for fluids, now I see why. He is doing fantastic. I know he will eventually decline but with the feedings and pain medicine he shouldn't get to the state he was in last weekend. I was really scared and I felt like I wasn't doing a very good job as a caretaker. That is behind us now and we are taking it one day at a time. Olivia starts school next week and Drew starts college the following week. All is well on the home front. I gotta cut grass tonight or buy a goat. Love you all! Donna
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