Earl did very well through the surgery. His face is the size of a large cantelope. He was in a lot of pain last night but it finally wore off about 2am and he was able to fall asleep. I woke him at six this morning to see if he wanted to take another pain pill and he said he was okay. So that was good. Thank you to my sister for the medical advise late last night. It is great to have an RN in the family. Earl is up and watching TV, he drank an Ensure for breakfast. My mom is at the house keeping him company and catching up the laundry, THANKS!!! I would have taken a picture of him and his chipmunk cheeks for the blog but he didn't really think that was funny. You will have to use your imagination. Thanks Sunny for checking on us last night. It was good talking to you. Thank you to everyone for the texts, It means a lot to mean. Love you all!!! Donna
Hey...I'm soo glad that is over.. .. everything will be fine.. can't wait to see you guys.. love you...