Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tomorrow is feeding tube day. We have to be at MUSC at 10:30am to have the feeding tube inserted. Short notice I know, but anyway it really did need to be done before we start treatment. It is only a 25 minute procedure but he has to spend the night just to make sure all is well. We also have to attend a class to learn how to care for it. We probably won't have to start using it for about four weeks. At least it will be there when we need it. I am feeling melancholy today, not really sure why, maybe because it's all getting so real now. I just wanna cry but see can't because I have to be strong for Earl. We probably won't go back until about 1pm. I will text ya'll when all is done. Deb, thanks for the card today. You always make me feel good. Love you all so much. Donna
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
May the Force Be with us!

Hey Everyone! We had a good day at our pre-run! I got to go in and see Earl with his mask on bolted down to the table. It kind of freaked me out but he was totally fine. We were able to see his CT Scan of his entire head and exactly where the tumor was. It has grown some since it was first discovered but that is normal. Dr. Harper called it an aggressive tumor but felt confident it would be eradicated and he will be cured. We feel good about his prognosis and I know we are surrounded by a great team of medical Doctors. So Monday, he will have chemo at the Hollings Cancer Center downtown which will take about five hours. We have to be there at nine am, which some of you know is probably a bigger challenge for Earl than the chemo. (He is not a morning person). The chemo treatment (cisplatin) will take about five hours(IV) and then we will head East of the Cooper to the Medical Center there for the Radiation which is only a ten minute appointment. Earl will be completely exhausted by the end of the day, I am sure. Then he will have radiation five days a week for seven weeks, with only two more Chemo treatments. Oh, yeah-we found a good little restaurant in Mt. Pleasant that will probably become his lunch spot, it's called Charleston's Cafe, so if you're over there, check it out. It's really good. I had the Fried Green Tomato & Pimento Cheese Sandwich. Good Lowcountry Eating. Well that's about it, we are gonna enjoy our weekend and just relax before life gets hectic. Earl has a great attitude and is very upbeat and positive about the whole thing. That is 2/3 the battle. Still no word on when we get the PEG tube in, I guess they'll call soon enough.
Thanks for checking up on us, Peace be with you! Donna & Earl
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
This is it!
check this out:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ready, Set, Go-almost!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009
Boone Hall Plantation

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer in July
We had a fabulous weekend doing nothing special but enjoying the great weather and a relative pain free weekend. Earl and I did yard work Friday night unitl about 8:30pm, trimming bushes and putting out pinestraw and cutting grass. It was such a nice evening and the yard looks so good. Then we had a little pizza and beer and chilled in the hot tub for about an hour. (Actually I had the beer.) Earl played golf Saturday and Sunday and played pretty good. I hung out at the pool with my mom and sister on Saturday afternoon. He has lost most of his stitches and can pretty much eat anything. Most of the swelling and bruising is all but gone and he is feeling pretty good. We went out on the motorcycle Saturday night and met up with his friends Lane & Joyce at the Dog & Duck. We grilled out burgers Sunday and my mom came over and ate with us. Drew was actually home for a change and ate dinner with us too. That's always a treat for me since I hardly ever see him. Olivia fed most of her burger to Cody ( the poodle). He doesn't mind. Monday-Back to work!!! He has his appointment today to get fitted for the mask and hopefully they will be able to get it done so we can get the treatment going. We are so ready to get it all going. The waiting really is the hardest part. I am guessing that if they scan for the mask today then treatment should start by August 1 or maybe sooner. In case you were wondering he will wear a mask during the radiation treatment to protect his head so they only radiate the part where the tumor is. The mask kind of looks like those masks people wear who sword fight (fencing). It's sci-fi looking but none the less necessary. I hope all of you are doing well. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers, may God Bless you with good health! Love, Donna
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My Golfer

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Firecracker Day