So this is it, my last blog entry. Our life was nothing more than absolutely beautiful. From our first date at Olive Garden to our final kiss goodbye at Hospice of Charleston. It was truly a love story created by God and the most beautiful thing I have ever been a part of. The wound is fresh but I find comfort in the great memories we shared in such a short time together. Time will heal the hurt and all that will be left is love. I have so many friends and family to be thankful for and I am glad you were with me on this journey. Make each day count and hug the ones you love a little tighter. You never know where the road of life may take you and there just isn't enough time for anger or cross words. I really feel so lucky and blessed to have been part of the journey with Earl. Death really can be as beautiful as birth, if you can accept that we are all leaving here at some point. He is with our God now and free. We really did live Happily Ever after and I will always keep Earl Riffle, Jr. in my heart. Love you all! Donna
The End!