Hello Everyone! Three weeks ago Earl was recovering from surgery and today you can hardly even know he had surgery. He is
resilient. He looks so good. His appetite is fantastic and that is really good to see. After not being able to eat any food at all for over three weeks, I love watching him eat what he wants. Aside from a little fatigue, he is up and around and is even shaving regularly.
Haha...We just feel so lucky to have a little break from treatment and hospitals. I keep praying for a miracle that the Doctors will tell me he is cured and maybe that will come, but I know even if that doesn't happen, I have already received my miracle because I have been fortunate enough to call myself his wife. We are never guaranteed forever, even though we think we deserve it. This past year has taught me never to count on tomorrow, enjoy today to it's fullest and be thankful for it. Earl is a blessing to me and to my children. He is doing so well and I thank everyone for thinking of us, and who knows, we may just get that miracle. God Bless you All! Lot of Love from the "Riffles" Donna