I hope everyone had a super fantastic Christmas. We did! Spent lots of time over the weekend with family and friends and ate way too much. We cleaned up all the Christmas mess yesterday and I headed back to work this morning. Earl was scheduled for his first PET scan this morning at 7am, so he was at
MUSC at 6:30am. They got him all hooked up to the IV and three hours later told him the machine wasn't working so they rescheduled him for Thursday. We will get the results that same day. I know it will be good news and we can bring in the new year and put this cancer stuff behind us. Every day means so much more when you have traveled on this journey and you really learn to appreciate every waking moment and not fuss about trivial stuff. I hear people complaining about silly things and I just smile. They have no idea how great their lives are. I just pray that it won't be too late before they figure it out. I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Love you all. Donna